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Interpretation of seeing Prophet Joseph in a dream

تفسير رؤية النبي يوسف

Interpretation of seeing Prophet Joseph in a dream by Ibn Sirin

Ibn Sirin interpreted the vision of the Prophet Joseph in a dream by obtaining kingship and succession, and perhaps this vision indicated exposure to injustice from family and children.

As for seeing the Prophet Joseph sad in a dream, it indicates high prices and drought, and seeing the Prophet Joseph in a dream, in general, is one of the praiseworthy visions promising relief after distress.

Al-Nabulsi says that whoever sees the Prophet Joseph in a dream, will be afflicted by calamity and sedition by his brothers, as they plot against him until he is imprisoned and then saved,
and whoever sees that he is walking with the Prophet Joseph in a dream, God gives him worship and honors him with remembrance. Weakness.

Whoever sees the Prophet Joseph in his dream, then he will obtain good in his estrangement, and if he is imprisoned, he will be saved from his prison, his enemies will submit to him, and he will defeat them.

If he is absent, he will return to his homeland safely, and if he is seeking high status, then he will attain it.

From a beautiful woman and what he wants.

Ibn Shaheen says whoever sees the Prophet Yusuf in his sleep, then he will be disappointed by his relatives, and seeing the Prophet Yusuf beautifully in a dream indicates elevation in destiny and rank and reaching the rank of the Sultanate,
and it was said that seeing the Prophet Yusuf, peace is upon him, in a dream indicates the concern that comes from before woman, and his end will be good, and God knows best.

Interpretation of seeing our master Joseph in a dream to Imam Al-Sadiq

  Imam al-Sadiq says seeing our master Joseph in a dream denotes glory and loftiness by destiny after fatigue and abandonment, and perhaps this vision indicates the strength of the Sunnis and the community in this world and the hereafter,
and seeing talking with our master Joseph in a dream indicates victory over the enemy and happiness in this world, and if you see that you are arguing with our master Yusuf and you raise your voice over him in a dream, as this indicates the occurrence of heresy in religion.

Ibn Ghannam said whoever sees the Prophet Joseph in a dream, will attain a son of good and beauty, and seeing the Prophet Joseph in a bad way in a dream indicates distress and fatigue from relatives,
and beautifully dreaming of the Prophet Joseph indicates a fortress that the seer attains in exile and submits to him against his will, and God Know.

Interpretation of Joseph’s dream when he was young

Seeing our master Joseph while he was young in a dream indicates the lack of fortune of the seer among his brothers, and whoever sees our master Joseph crying when he is young in a dream, indicates his loneliness and going through troubles,
and seeing our master Joseph afraid when he is young in a dream indicates the seer’s injustice and his falling into distress, and the dream of the Prophet Joseph laughs when he is young, indicating the seer’s attainment of glory and comfort.

If you saw the Prophet Joseph while he was breastfed in a dream, this indicates goodness and bliss and seeing our master Joseph while he was young and a newborn in a dream indicates good news and goodness.

Whoever sees our master Joseph while he was young with his brothers in a dream, indicates that the seer is exposed to deception from the people closest to him,
and seeing our master Joseph while he is young on his own in a dream indicates God’s care and protection for the seer,
and God knows best.

Interpretation of the dream of the well of our master Joseph

Seeing Joseph’s well in a dream indicates imprisonment and confinement, and whoever sees Joseph in the well in a dream, indicates that he will fall into distress and injustice, and seeing going down into Joseph’s well in a dream indicates the intensification of his anguish followed by relief,
and when you see that you are coming out of Joseph’s well In a dream, this indicates deliverance from deception.

Looking at the well of our master Joseph in a dream indicates a concern that does not last,
and seeing the filling of the well of our master Joseph in a dream indicates victory over the enemy.

Seeing Prophet Joseph’s shirt in a dream

The shirt of the Prophet Joseph in a dream indicates the departure of worries and sorrows, and whoever sees that he is wearing the shirt of the Prophet Joseph in a dream, indicates healing and recovery from diseases and pains,
and smelling the scent of the shirt of the Prophet Joseph in a dream indicates good news and good news, and seeing holding the shirt of the Prophet Joseph in a dream indicates On goodness and blessings.

Whoever sees Joseph’s shirt with blood on it in a dream, indicates separation from his family and perhaps imprisonment, and seeing Joseph’s shirt torn in a dream indicates his innocence from the accusation.

Whoever sees the Prophet Joseph’s shirt white in a dream, indicates joy and pleasure, and seeing the Prophet Joseph’s shirt black in a dream indicates pride and prestige,
and the dream that the Prophet Joseph’s shirt is red indicates distancing himself from desires and pleasures.

Seeing the Prophet Joseph’s shirt ripped in a dream indicates going through distress and adversity, and whoever sees Prophet Joseph’s shirt on the ground in a dream, indicates sadness and distress.

The supplication of our master Joseph in a dream

The supplication of our master Joseph in a dream indicates a way out of adversity and distress, and whoever sees that he is praying to our master Joseph three times in a dream, indicates fulfillment of needs,
and the vision of repeating the supplication of our master Joseph in a dream indicates a near relief, and seeing the saying of our master Joseph’s supplication and crying in a dream indicates On the demise of worry revealed grief.

Seeing the supplication of our master Youssef, Oh God, O solace, every stranger in a dream indicates intimacy and happiness, and seeing the supplication of our master Yusuf, O revealer of every distress in the dream indicates the end of distress.

Talking to Joseph in a dream

Seeing talking with our master Joseph in a dream indicates acquiring knowledge and knowledge of the science of dates and the interpretation of dreams, and whoever sees that he is talking with our master Joseph while he is happy in a dream,
indicates deliverance from worry, and seeing sitting and talking with Prophet Joseph in a dream indicates cohabitation with righteous people,
and a dream Refusing to speak with Joseph indicates concealment of truth.

Seeing talking in anger with our master Joseph in a dream indicates ungratefulness for blessings, and whoever sees that he quarrels with Prophet Joseph in a dream, indicates delusion and deviation from religion.

Seeing someone you know talking with the Prophet Joseph in a dream indicates an increase in his wisdom, and if you see someone close talking to our master Joseph in a dream, this indicates righteousness in his religion.

Interpretation of marriage to Prophet Joseph in a dream

Marrying the Prophet Joseph in a dream is evidence of marriage to a man of good morals and beauty.

The Prophet Joseph indicates the loss and loss of important opportunities.

A dream of intercourse with the Prophet Joseph indicates that she will attain a high position and elevation,
and if a woman dreams that she wants to commit adultery with the Prophet Joseph in a dream, then she is cunning and deceiving others.

Seeing the sister’s marriage to the Prophet Joseph in a dream denotes profitable and blessed partnerships,
and whoever sees that his daughter married the Prophet Joseph in a dream, will be honored and honored, and God knows best.

The meaning of the death of our master Joseph in a dream

Seeing the death of our master Joseph in a dream indicates the death of the king or caliph, and whoever sees that he is crying over the death of our master Joseph in a dream, will be afflicted with a calamity and will be saved from it,
and crying intensely over the death of our master Joseph in a dream indicates corruption in religion, and seeing wailing over the death of our master Joseph in The dream indicates falling into a calamity and exposure to injustice.

Seeing the funeral of our master Joseph somewhere in a dream indicates a great calamity that will occur in that place, and walking in the funeral of Prophet Joseph in a dream indicates a tendency to heresy and delusion.

Hearing the news of the death of our master Joseph in a dream indicates sad news, and seeing others telling about the death of our master Joseph in a dream indicates saying hateful words.

Seeing Joseph’s return to life in a dream indicates the restoration of truth and victory, and whoever sees Joseph died and then came back to life in a dream, indicates sincere repentance, and God knows best.


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