
Gold in a dream
Seeing gold in a dream according to Ibn Sirin The interpretation of the vision of gold in a dream does not stop at one interpretation

Odds of the world of vision and dreams
These anecdotes and subtleties in the section “dreams and visions” I restricted during my readings, I wanted to be surrounded by the brothers readers –

What does it mean to see a bus in a dream?
Seeing the bus in a dream symbolizes joint teamwork, and whoever sees that he is riding a bus in a dream indicates a joint quest

What does it mean to see snakes in a dream?
Many are looking for the interpretation of seeing snakes in a dream, as it is one of the disturbing visions that cause great concern to

What does it mean to see oranges in a dream?
Oranges are one of the best fruits that God Almighty created for man, and we will learn with you about the interpretation of seeing oranges

What is gathoum or sleep paralysis?
What is jathoum or paralysis You have ever felt suffocated or suffocated during your sleep and felt completely paralyzed in your limbs, we will learn