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Interpretation of seeing swearing and cursing in a dream by Ibn Sirin

تفسير رؤية الشتيمة والشتم

Ibn Sirin interpreted the vision of swearing in a dream as the person being slandered nailed to the slanderer if the slanderer was wronged, and slander in a dream is a humiliation for the slandered person and honor for the slanderer,
except on the condition that the person of small rank does not insult another person of high rank,
then it is a calamity that comes down to the slanderer from the slandered,
according to al-Nabulsi, and whoever sees a person insulting him in In a dream, he suffers harm from the insulter, and he wins and wins it.

Insulting in a dream in general is the right and duty of the person who is insulted against the insulter.

Ibn Shaheen said that whoever insults a person unjustly in a dream, then the one who is being insulted will win over the one who insults and defeats him.

Cursing a person in a dream is evidence of belittling and belittling him.

If you see a righteous person or an old man insulting you in a dream, then this indicates that you are involved in disobedience and temptation,
so repent to God Almighty, and if you are the one who insults, then you are in error, and it was said that the dream of insulting the old to the young indicates rebuke and guidance.

Gustav Miller says if you dream that you insult a person, this indicates that you will not be lucky and you will lose your money,
and whoever feels that someone is insulting him by speaking in a dream will cause enmity from others, and if the girl dreams that she hears obscene words, then this indicates that she will be envious of others.

Saying obscene words in a dream to single women indicates feelings of shame and disgrace, and hearing insults in a dream indicates falling into problems and obstacles.

Interpretation of quarrels and insults in a dream

Seeing quarrels and insults in a dream indicates that the dreamer will defeat his enemy if he is right.

As for whoever sees that he enters into a quarrel and insults someone unjustly in a dream,
this indicates great sadness. It indicates offense to others.

Whoever sees that he assaults a person and insults him in a dream, indicates an insult to others.

As for seeing someone beating and cursing him in a dream, this indicates the forcible confiscation of other people’s money.

Seeing a quarrel and insulting someone you know in a dream indicates disagreements with him,
and if you see that you are quarreling with someone close and insulting him in a dream, this indicates the outbreak of quarrels with relatives.

The meaning of hearing insults in a dream

Hearing swearing in a dream indicates victory and joy if the seer is right, and whoever hears swearing from someone he knows in a dream will benefit from him, and seeing hearing swearing from a stranger in a dream indicates hearing good news,
and a dream of hearing swearing from a relative indicates On the end of a family problem.

If you hear one of the opponents insulting you in a dream, this indicates harm and victory over him,
and the dream of hearing someone you love to insult you indicates solving problems with him.

Hearing people insulting each other in a dream indicates facing problems and difficulties,
and if you hear children insulting each other in a dream, this indicates worry and distress.

Hearing an insult from a person and responding to it with an insult in a dream indicates strength and confrontation,
and whoever hears an insult and does not return it in a dream, indicates forgiveness for the mistakes of others, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about someone I know insulting me

Seeing someone you know insulting you in a dream indicates salvation from a bad thing that he wants in you,
and getting angry at someone you know because he insults you in a dream, this indicates turmoil and a bad relationship with him,
and seeing a quarrel with someone you know when he insults you in a dream indicates that you will go through many problems,
and whoever sees that He hits someone he knows when hearing an insult from him in a dream, as this indicates that a right is taken from him.

  And whoever sees someone he loves insulting him in a dream, this indicates that his hypocrisy and lies will be revealed, and seeing an unknown person insulting you in a dream indicates salvation from harm and harm.

If you see your husband’s brother insulting you in a dream, this indicates obtaining your rights from him after robbing them and seeing the husband’s mother insulting you in a dream,
this indicates salvation from the deception of the husband’s family.

Whoever sees his friend insulting him in a dream, indicates hearing hateful words from him, and seeing a brother insulting you in a dream indicates a dispute with him, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream cursing someone

Seeing insulting a person in a dream indicates enmities and opponents, and whoever sees that he is insulting an unknown person in a dream, indicates causing harm and harm to others,
and seeing insulting a person from relatives in a dream indicates moving away from the family, and whoever sees that he is insulting someone he loves in a dream, this indicates that His separation and abandonment.

  Whoever sees that he is insulting his manager at work in a dream, indicates the demise of his position or position,
and seeing insulting the king or the president in a dream indicates the incitement of the general public against him.

If you see that you are cursing your friend in a dream, then this indicates exposure to deception and seeing insulting a brother in a dream, then this indicates trespassing on his money or robbing him of his heirs, and God knows best.

Interpretation of cursing the mother in a dream

Seeing insulting the mother in a dream indicates bad morals and religion, and whoever hears someone insulting his mother in a dream, indicates hearing speech that is questionable about his integrity,
and seeing the mother insulting someone you know indicates the outbreak of enmity with him, and the dream of cursing the mother to a stranger indicates bad cohabitation and dealing with Others,
and anger when hearing the mother’s insult in a dream indicates a feeling of abuse.

Whoever sees that he is cursing someone’s father in a dream, indicates behavior of illegal ways in endeavors,
and the dream of hearing someone insulting your father indicates exposure to deceit and tricks.

Hearing an insult to the sister in a dream indicates falling into the tongues of people, and whoever sees that he is cursing someone’s sister in a dream, indicates speaking about people’s symptoms.

Anger when hearing insults in a dream indicates that he does not accept the insult,
and whoever sees that he is crying when he hears insults in a dream, indicates the end of problems and disagreements with others.

Interpretation of cursing the Messenger in a dream

Insulting the Messenger in a dream indicates turning away from religion and committing great sins,
and it may indicate denial of the truth and following falsehood. And the polytheism of God indicates the followers of heresies.

Disbelief in God and insulting His Messenger in a dream indicates that the seer has committed major sins, God forbid.

If you see that you insult religion and the Messenger in a dream, this indicates entry into delusion and horrors.

Whoever sees that he insults the lineage of the Messenger in a dream, indicates entering into temptation,
and seeing a rebuke of someone who insults the Messenger in a dream indicates his guidance to righteousness.

Hearing a person cursing the Messenger in a dream indicates that the seer hears what grieves him,
and whoever sees a dead person cursing the Messenger in a dream, this indicates his poor condition in the afterlife.

Interpretation of a dream about uttering obscene words

Pronunciation of obscene words in a dream indicates bad words and actions, and whoever sees that he utters obscene words in front of people in a dream, this indicates a lack of modesty and morals,
and seeing uttering obscene words in front of the family in a dream indicates disobedience to parents, and seeing uttering obscene words at work in a dream Indicating engaging in suspicious business.

Hearing the son uttering obscene words in a dream indicates his bad upbringing and morals, and scolding the son for uttering obscene words in a dream indicates his guidance to righteousness,
and whoever sees that he is hitting his son for uttering obscene words in a dream, he will correct him and teach him.


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