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Interpretation of seeing drinking wine in a dream

تفسير رؤية شرب الخمر

Wine in a dream is one of the most complex symbols of dreams, as the interpretation of a dream about wine needs to look at the minutes and details of the vision and take into account the state of the dreamer,
the form and context of the dream, the type, and name of the wine, and the viewer’s position on it in a dream and when awake.

But the negative connotations and symbols of wine in a dream prevail over the positive connotations, for wine, in general, is sinful, reprehensible, and forbidden, unless there is in a vision or the case of the seer what supports otherwise, and God knows best.

The general meaning of seeing wine in a dream

The indications of seeing alcohol in a dream vary according to the state of the dreamer, his position, and the details of his vision.

Drinking wine for the ruler or the owner of the authority is not the interpretation as drinking wine for those who are accustomed to it, and drinking until drunk or drunk is not like tasting or drinking to quench thirst or drinking from the wine of heaven.

Where Ibn Sirin sees in his book “The Selected Words” that wine may indicate forbidden money, and drunkenness is ignorance, and Sheikh Al-Nabulsi adds in his book “Perfume Al-Anam” that wine is easy and forbidden money, and some have gone to the opposite.

In other cases, wine in a dream indicates healing, and God knows best, and a dream of wine may indicate sedition, enmity, and rivalry, and wine, as Nabulsi says, also indicates revealing and divulging secrets, and falling into adultery.

Interpretation of drinking wine in a dream

Ibn Sirin says that drinking wine in a dream indicates the removal of the owner of power from his authority, drinking alcohol is suspicious money which is forbidden,
and drinking evil in a dream until intoxication and even reaching a state of intoxication may indicate arrogance with the pension from the abundance of the situation,
and whoever sees in a dream that he is drunk and tears His dress or he saw someone else in this state, this is evidence of celibacy,
and that the seer or whoever was in this state in a dream does not control himself and does not manage the blessing in which he is,
and Ibn Sirin adds that whoever sees himself drunk in a dream may also indicate security and safety from fear because the drunk He is not afraid of anything.

And wine mixed with water in a dream indicates the overlapping of permissible money with forbidden money and their mixing, or this vision may indicate falling into sedition,
and drinking from wine until drunkenness and intoxication is forbidden money to the extent that the sleeper sees himself drunk, or ignorance of men and women.

Sheikh Al-Nabulsi agrees with Ibn Sirin in the interpretation of seeing drinking wine in a dream.

And he adds that drinking alcohol is the stupidity and ignorance of the drinker, and whoever sees that he drinks wine in a dream alone, no one shares his cup with him, then the money is forbidden,
and if someone disputes the cup with him or shares it with him, then this indicates a dispute and rivalry in speech according to what the sleeper sees in his dream, and drinking alcohol may indicate In a dream about recovery from illness, or about worries and distress,
it makes the seer like a drunk, and God Almighty knows best.

And seeing the dead drinking wine in a dream indicates his status and comfort in the Hereafter, so he is blessed because wine is one of the drinks of the people of Paradise, unless the dead person is disobedient,
one of the people of alcohol, pioneers of drunken councils, or a resident on alcohol at his death.

Drinking wine in a dream without the dreamer getting drunk indicates that he is sitting with a loved one.

As for whoever sees that he drinks a lot of wine in a dream until he gets drunk, then he is eating forbidden money.
In a dream, the seer accompanies immoral people.

And drinking alcohol at home indicates that the seer is intimate in his home, and whoever sees that he is drinking alcohol alone, then he is gambling with his thoughts and daydreaming a lot.

And drinking wine in a dream, if the dreamer enjoys it and enjoys it, then this is because he enjoys his desires. As for whoever sees that he drinks wine and does not like its taste, then he matches the immoral people and favors them.

Throwing liquor and refusing to drink alcohol in a dream

Sheikh Al-Nabulsi says that whoever dreams that he is being invited to a gathering in which wines and delicious fruits are abundant may be called to jihad and attain martyrdom, and God knows best.

Making and buying wine in a dream

Sheikh Al-Nabulsi says that squeezing wine in a dream indicates service in the hands of the Sultan, and as for buying wine in a dream to drink it, it may indicate falling into forbidden things and sinning.

Making wine in a dream indicates harm, cunning, and deceit, and whoever sees that he is making wine in his house, then he is plotting something.

As for whoever sees that he is pressing grapes to make wine in a dream, then he is planning and carrying out a gain that may be suspicious, and God knows best.

And whoever sees that he is working in the wine industry in a dream, then he works for corrupt people or supports them, and selling alcohol in a dream means that the seer misleads people, and buying wine indicates committing a sin or working with usury money,
and whoever sees that he carries a bottle of wine in a dream without drinking from it, then he does not distinguish between halal and haram by earning.

Seeing drunk in a dream

Ibn Sirin says that drunkenness without a drink in a dream indicates the worries of the world and its severity, and drunkenness without drink indicates intense fear as well,
as God Almighty says in Surat Al-Hajj ((And you see people intoxicated, but they are not drunk, but God’s punishment is severe)), and as for drunkenness from drinking It may indicate extravagance, arrogance, or other things that we mentioned previously.

As for whoever sees one of his family or acquaintances drunk; If he is old or sick, then it may be the agonies of death, otherwise, it is only the state of the seer, either a calamity or a trial, and God knows best,
and whoever sees the people, in general, drunk, then this is a great trial and a great matter.

Interpretation of seeing wine in a dream for a woman and a girl

Seeing wine in a dream for a woman, in general, indicates her lust, and seeing a bottle of wine in a dream for a married woman makes her jealous of her husband, and a bottle of wine for a single woman may be her temptation,
and whoever sees that her husband drinks alcohol in a dream, then he feeds her from what is forbidden and knowledge is with God, but whoever sees one of her children If he drinks wine in a dream, his thoughts crystallize with sins.

Drinking wine in a dream is for someone who hates that she is being forced into sin, and whoever drinks wine in a dream is the limit of intoxication,
so she unleashes her lust, while whoever drinks wine and does not get drunk, then she loves a person.

And buying wine in a dream for a woman may indicate a veil or a mask, or that she shows what she does not hide, and whoever sees that she is fighting with a drunk in a dream, then she is fighting with herself,
and throwing wine in a dream for a woman is far from evil, and breaking wine bottles in a dream means that she breaks perfume bottles and stops About grooming and make-up, and God knows best.

Other cases of seeing wine in a dream

Sheikh Al-Nabulsi says that seeing the river of wine in a dream indicates sedition from the world, and whoever sees that he has fallen into the river of wine in a dream will be affected by sedition as much as it falls and drowns.

Wine in a dream for someone who is about to get married or is thinking of a partnership indicates approval, according to Sheikh Nabulsi.

Drinking date wine in a dream is a seize, according to the interpretation of Ibn Sirin.

And Sheikh Al-Nabulsi says that drinking wine in a dream if the sleeper is a scholar indicates an increase in knowledge, and that is due to the thoughts that come from the drunk.

Sheikh Al-Nabulsi explained the vision of wines in a dream according to their names, and he said: The Slavs are among the names of wine, and in a dream, they may indicate borrowing and debts, and among their names are real estate,
and they may indicate disobedience to parents. Seeing her may indicate rest and comfort for those who are distressed.

And seeing drinking wine in a dream for the rich is his tyranny and his love for money, and for the poor is his disobedience.

As for drinking wine for the believer, he enjoys worship, and for the disobedient, an increase in debauchery, and wine in a dream for the prisoner is distress and severity, and for the sad or distressed is depression and worries,
and alcohol is for someone who was preceding something that is not good in her vision and the matter. Suspicion of what is forbidden, and alcohol in a dream after istikhaarah is no good in it, and God Almighty is the best and knows best.


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