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Interpretation of seeing bankruptcy in a dream

رؤية الإفلاس في المنام

Seeing bankruptcy in a dream symbolizes a shortage in religion and the world, and whoever sees that his company goes bankrupt in a dream and he has a company in reality, indicates the loss of glory and prestige, and if he does not have it,
then he is exposed to a loss, and the bankruptcy of a person in a dream is evidence of facing troubles and crises, and God is the best and most knowledgeable.

Interpretation of seeing bankruptcy in a dream by Ibn Sirin

Ibn Sirin interpreted the vision of bankruptcy in a dream by decreasing the condition of the bankrupt in his religious or worldly affairs, and whoever sees that he is bankrupt in a dream,
this indicates the loss of his livelihood or the transition from his profession to something less than it,
and if you saw that you entered a project and became bankrupt in a dream, this indicates facing problems with a new matter.

And seeing bankruptcy in a dream for the patient indicates his death, and for the rich, his loss and the going of money.

Al-Nabulsi says bankruptcy in a dream is evidence of the lowest money because it is taken from money,
and whoever sees that he has been robbed and bankrupt in a dream, this indicates harm and machinations from others,
and the dream of bankruptcy due to a mistake in work indicates poor planning and management,
and if you see that you have lost all your money due to Intense competition in a dream, as this indicates weakness in front of enemies.

Miller says if you dream that you are bankrupt, then you should not resort to the means that make you fit in with the world because your strength will enable you to manage your business while going through some troubles,
and seeing bankruptcy for others in a dream indicates confronting people who cause you harm with their frankness,
and the bankruptcy of others in a dream of being single indicates that Her lover is honorable and upright, and bankruptcy in a dream may indicate a partial collapse in work, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about the bankruptcy of a company

Seeing the bankruptcy of a company in a dream indicates failure in business and the loss of wealth,
and whoever sees that his company goes bankrupt in a dream and he has a company in reality, indicates the loss of glory and prestige,
and if he does not have it,
then he is exposed to a heavy loss in his work, and the dream of hearing news of the bankruptcy of a company indicates the news Not good, and seeing the bankruptcy of a well-known company in a dream indicates poor material conditions in the country.

And whoever sees that he is working for a company and goes bankrupt in a dream, indicates bad conditions and unemployment, and if you see that you are running a company and go bankrupt in a dream, this indicates the demise of status and a deficiency in the matter, and the dream of the bankruptcy of the owner of the company indicates bad luck.

The collapse due to the bankruptcy of a company in a dream indicates entering into a major crisis, and crying over the bankruptcy of the company in a dream indicates the general ability to bear difficulties, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream about someone bankrupt

The bankruptcy of a person in a dream is evidence of facing troubles and crises, and whoever sees that he is sad about the bankruptcy of a person in a dream, indicates worry and distress,
and seeing assistance to a person who has gone bankrupt in a dream indicates good deeds and deeds, and if you see the bankruptcy of a famous person in a dream, this indicates hearing the news shocking.

Seeing the bankruptcy of a well-known person in a dream indicates his poor financial conditions,
and whoever sees a close person going bankrupt in a dream, indicates the loss of glory and status.

  Whoever sees the bankruptcy of a dead person in a dream, indicates his need for prayers and alms, and seeing the bankruptcy of a partner in a dream indicates the harm that befalls the seer from others.

Seeing the bankruptcy of a person you love in a dream indicates his need for support and support, and whoever sees one of his opponents declaring his bankruptcy in a dream, indicates victory and victory.

Interpretation of the father’s bankrupt dream

The bankruptcy of the father in a dream is evidence of a loss of pride and power, and whoever sees the bankruptcy of his father’s company in a dream, indicates going through difficulties and problems, and seeing intense crying when the father goes bankrupt in a dream indicates need and need,
and if you see your father telling you about his bankruptcy in a dream, this indicates hearing news sad of him.

Seeing the father’s collapse due to his bankruptcy in a dream indicates a large number of burdens and pressures on his shoulders,
and whoever sees his father suffering a heart attack due to his bankruptcy in a dream indicates that he will be subjected to a great shock.

Interpretation of a dream about a husband’s bankruptcy

The bankruptcy of the husband in a dream is evidence of a change in the living conditions for the worse, and whoever sees that she is leaving her husband after his bankruptcy in the dream, this indicates the corruption of her bed and her actions.

This indicates his help to get out of his crisis.

Seeing the husband’s collapse after his bankruptcy in a dream indicates his attachment to something that will cause him loss and fatigue,
and whoever sees her husband crying when he becomes bankrupt in a dream, indicates his poor condition.

Seeing the fear of the husband’s bankruptcy in a dream indicates preserving his money and earning it,
and if you see the husband’s family bankrupt in a dream, this indicates the demise of his status among people.

Symbols indicating bankruptcy in a dream

One of the most important symbols that indicate bankruptcy is the loss of the house, including what is in it in a dream.

Whoever sees that his house is without furniture in a dream, indicates bankruptcy and the disappearance of glory and prestige.

Seeing a house without a kitchen or its tools in a dream indicates bankruptcy and loss of livelihood, and the dream of the collapse of the house and its loss indicates On bankruptcy and bad conditions.

If you saw that you descended from a high floor in a building to a basement in a dream, then this indicates bankruptcy and a lack of matter,
and seeing moving to live in an empty house of furniture in a dream indicates a severe lack of conditions and bankruptcy.

Whoever sees himself naked in a dream, indicates his extreme poverty and bad conditions, and worn-out clothes in a dream indicate many debts and loss of money.

Seeing money burning in a dream indicates a loss of money, and if you see money flying in the air in a dream, this indicates a loss of livelihood and a loss of money.


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