Seeing trousers in a dream symbolizes the wife or woman in general, so whoever sees that he has bought new trousers in a dream, then he will marry a virgin girl, and the dream of wearing trousers indicates righteousness in the matter and taking over a state,
and wide trousers are better in interpretation than narrow trousers, and God knows best.
Interpretation of seeing pants in a dream by Ibn Sirin
Ibn Sirin explained the vision of trousers or trousers in a dream with a non-Arab woman, so whoever sees that he has bought new pants in a dream, then he will marry a virgin non-Arab woman,
and seeing wearing trousers in a dream indicates righteousness in the matter, and the dream of wearing trousers upside down in a dream indicates committing indecency, and the trousers in A dream, in general, indicates obtaining protection, wellness, and health.
Whoever sees that he wears pants without a shirt in a dream, fears poverty for him, or he travels to non-Arabs because he is one of those who wear them.
Likewise, whoever sees that he does not have clothes other than pants in a dream, indicates extreme poverty.
Ibn Shaheen says the pants in a dream indicate a woman or a slave girl, so whoever sees that he has bought pants in a dream,
then he will befall a slave girl or a woman. By divorce.
Whoever sees that his pants are pierced in a dream, this is evidence of his near term and the end of his life, and finding pants that have no ownership in a dream indicates marriage to an orphan woman, and a dream of urinating in the pants indicates the wife’s pregnancy,
while defecation in the pants in a dream indicates his anger at his wife.
Whoever sees that his pants are untied in a dream, then this is interpreted by the appearance of a woman or a slave girl who leaves them to men,
and seeing the pants hanging in a dream indicates a trip to a non-Arab people because it is one of their clothes,
and the dream of a woman wearing a man’s pants indicates her marriage if she is single, and God knows best.
Seeing wide pants in a dream
Seeing wide pants in a dream indicates abundant livelihood, and whoever sees that he is wearing wide pants in a dream, indicates the ability to live and conditions, and seeing wide white pants in a dream indicates righteousness and chastity in oneself,
and seeing wide black pants in a dream indicates glory and elevation.
Tight pants in a dream indicate narrow conditions, and if you see that you are wearing tight pants in a dream,
this indicates a change in conditions and circumstances for the worse.
Narrowing wide pants in a dream indicates the visionary’s stinginess, and if you see that you widen narrow pants in a dream,
this indicates waste and extravagance in money.
Long pants in a dream and short pants dream
Seeing long pants in a dream indicates concealment and prestige, and whoever sees that he is wearing long,
torn pants in a dream, indicates suspicious and forbidden earnings.
Short pants in a dream indicate the exposure of secrets and secrets, and if you see that you are wearing short pants in a dream, this indicates exposure to scandal and shame.
Shortening long pants in a dream indicates moving away from religion, and whoever sees that he is cutting long pants in a dream, indicates a bad reputation because of an act he commits.
Interpretation of a dream about wearing trousers
Seeing wearing trousers in a dream indicates a mandate that the seer or omens of marriage will be granted to the bachelor,
and whoever sees that he is wearing black pants in a dream, indicates the work from which he gains a position and elevation,
and seen wearing gray pants in a dream indicates work in which there is comfort and bliss, and seeing wearing white pants In a dream, it indicates good and benevolent deeds.
Whoever sees that he is wearing cloth pants in a dream, indicates softness in dealing with others.
Seeing him wearing leather pants in a dream indicates following desires and pleasures.
Whoever sees that he finds it difficult when wearing trousers in a dream, indicates that he is striving for something tiring and difficult,
and taking off his pants in a dream indicates that the seer has gone out of the people of righteousness and religion to corruption.
Seeing wearing old trousers in a dream indicates exposure to betrayal and hypocrisy,
and if you see that you are wearing worn-out trousers in a dream, this indicates poverty and need.
Interpretation of a dream about wearing jeans
Wearing jeans in a dream is evidence of diligent striving and extreme fatigue, and whoever sees that he is wearing black jeans in a dream, indicates honor and authority for those who are accustomed to wearing them,
and seeing blue jeans in a dream indicates obtaining access to the goal after trouble.
Whoever sees that he is wearing old jeans in a dream, indicates a return to the hard work that he had left.
Seeing him wearing new jeans in a dream indicates obtaining a new job with seriousness and commitment.
Buying new pants in a dream
Buying new pants in a dream is evidence of marriage or benefit from a woman, and whoever sees that he is wearing new pants in a dream, indicates chastity and purity, and seeing buying large pants in a dream indicates much good and improving conditions,
and seeing buying small pants in a dream indicates bad management. and choice.
Whoever sees that he cannot buy new pants in a dream, indicates his lack of resourcefulness,
and the vision of buying new pants at an expensive price in a dream indicates extravagance and extravagance for a woman or wife.
Whoever sees that he is buying new pants for his son in a dream, indicates that he will be provided with a job opportunity, and seeing that he is buying new pants for his brother in a dream indicates that he will help him in a work.
Buying trousers for a dead person in a dream is evidence of giving alms to him, and whoever sees that he is buying trousers for another person in a dream, this indicates helping others.
The meaning of losing trousers in a dream
Losing pants in a dream is evidence of missing an opportunity or losing money, and whoever sees that he lost the pants and did not find them in the dream, indicates misguidance and corruption in religion.
Lost in a dream indicates the search for relief.
Whoever sees that he has lost new pants in a dream, indicates the loss of a new livelihood, just as seeing the loss of old pants in a dream indicates a break in old relationships.
The theft of trousers in a dream is evidence of exposure to losses or looting and robbery,
and whoever sees his pants stolen from his bag in a dream, indicates that he must beware of thieves and fraudsters.
Interpretation of taking and giving pants in a dream
Taking the pants in a dream is evidence of the cessation of distress and relief of anxiety, and whoever sees that he took the pants from the brother in the dream, indicates obtaining support and support from him,
and seeing the borrowing of pants from a friend in a dream indicates that he stands next to the seer in difficult circumstances, and the vision of taking pants from the dead In a dream, denotes obtaining an inheritance.
Whoever sees that he is giving new pants to someone in a dream, indicates a helping hand to others,
and the vision of giving old pants to someone in a dream indicates giving up memories.
Whoever sees that he is distributing pants to the poor in a dream, indicates that he will pay zakat, and seeing that he is distributing pants to children in a dream indicates joy and pleasure.
The gift of trousers in a dream is evidence of repentance and reversal of a mistake, and whoever sees that he has received a pair of trousers as a gift in a dream, indicates obtaining advice from someone or giving him advice that he can benefit from.
1 thought on “Interpretation of seeing trousers in a dream”
Quite enlightening